There is a special partnership between an author and their readers. Without our readers there would be no reason to spend the time researching and writing, whether our efforts include books, articles or increasingly, blogs. Together reader and author co-create the message the reader will eventually take away from a piece of writing.

Books have the potential to transport us to different worlds and join fascinating characters as companions to their experiences whether it is an adventure, romance or overcoming adversity. Books also have the enormous ability to expand our horizons and introduce us to different ways of thinking and being.

Increasingly, many of us now read exclusively on Kindle or via our Tablets and I for one read very few books in print form. I am sure there will be many of you who will vehemently disagree with me and on behalf of the book selling industry, I am most grateful that you do.

Personally, there are so many practical reasons why I read online. When travelling it is so much easier than carting a number of heavy books around in your bag or holdall. When it is night-time, it is that much easier to read than trying to squint in softer light, especially if the print is small. I am also in control of the size I choose for the fonts, personalising the appearance of the text.

Something I have started doing and which I would never have dreamt of doing with a paper version of a book is to abandon a book if it doesn’t appeal to me. There are endless choices of so many stimulating books out there to be discovered. Why would I therefore waste time and energy to wade my way through a book that just doesn’t resonate with me? I let it go so that someone else may discover it and possibly just what they need to read at that moment in their lives. Equally, I may very well return to a book I had abandoned some time earlier when it is the right time for me to discover its particular message.

My mantra is to follow my curiosity and follow the trail to where it may lead. By keeping an open mind, I have discovered some real gems which I would not necessarily have gravitated towards. Being able to download a book or article, has made this so much easier.

It has also made choices that much more difficult as there is an endless supply of reading matter to explore. Hence the reason for following my curiosity and therefore my gut instinct as to what I need to read at that moment in time.

If your curiosity has led you to my book, I hope the message is one you would benefit from at this stage in your life and together we will co-create that which will resonates with you.

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