Confidence is a key theme weaving its way throughout my book. Confidence not only allows us to express our own unique personalities, but it also influences the way in which we communicate and interact with the external world.

How we feel about ourselves internally will reflect and manifest externally. However, we can influence our confidence by building a more positive image about ourselves from the outside in. As children we have a natural ease with ourselves. However, the process of socialization often robs us of our innate confidence.

It takes a conscious effort to rediscover our lost confidence. The starting point is to become aware of our internal chatter and the comments we make in relation to ourselves on a daily basis. Phrases such as: “I’m no good at that” (whatever “that” means to you), “I can’t do that”, “I’m too old to wear that, begin that”, etc.” is common to the majority of us.

Given the theme of my book as well as my styling business, you would imagine that I passionately believe that how we physically turn up in the world goes a long way to boost our confidence. As an example, so many older women give up on themselves and reduce or stop using makeup altogether. Applying makeup is even more important now than what it was in our younger days.

Not only is makeup is a great way to enhance our attributes and reduce or hide areas we are not too happy with, it also goes a long way in giving us confidence in our appearance. By giving up on makeup we collude with the external world that we become invisible as we get older. This is not true, and we should not behave as though it is!

We also hugely underestimate the power of colour on our moods and emotions, whether that is reflected in the makeup we use to enhance and add to our skin colour or the colour of the garments we wear. If you feel you have become invisible, take a long hard look at your wardrobe and the colours, or lack of it, that is reflected back to you.

Just one accessory, whether it is a piece of jewellery, a scarf or a lovely colour lipstick that blends with your skin tone, will go a long way in boosting your confidence and how you feel about yourself. This is not frivolous indulgence but a wonderful source of personal expression!

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