I join the international acknowledgements and reflections on a very special human being that passed away a couple of days ago. As most people know, this person was a 100 year old man called, Captain Sir Tom Moore. He was catapulted into stardom due to his achievements as an individual to have probably raised more money for the NHS than any other before.

What is equally remarkable about him is that age was no barrier in achieving what he did. Apart from raising an astronomical amount of money for the NHS, he set a powerful precedence not only to society, but also to us as an older generation that age is no barrier in achieving what you set out to accomplish.

In my book I remind women that we have a responsibility and the opportunity to be role models to the next generation. Furthermore, I set out to encourage women to embrace the fact that age is no barrier to living the life you want. We are in the privileged position to challenge and contradict the stereotypes surrounding ageing and in particular, the reality of ageing as women.

I had the pleasure of meeting many inspirational role models as part of my research for this book. Women who live life with vigour and passion. I guarantee that we all have many role models in our communities to inspire us all. We just need to look for them and celebrate their contribution to society.

As women, we become so much more vivid as we get older with so much more capacity than we give ourselves credit for. So much of what we do is amazing, but we quietly get on with it

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