I was
contacted today by a woman who had just finished reading my book. She wanted to
tell me how much it had given her a boost during a time she needed it most.
That, of course, is the very reason I wrote it. My goal was that it would
inspire women and give them a much-needed dose of confidence when they went
through a wobble, as we all do from time to time.
There are so
many women past the age of what is considered our peek in terms of career
performance that have achieved, and continue to achieve, amazing things. If we
just stop and look, we will find inspirational women of midlife and beyond all
around us. Alas, their achievements often go unacknowledged and celebrated.
I have an
enormous respect for our Queen Elizabeth II. Whether you are a Royal or not,
she must be one of the most inspirational women of our time. She has been rock
solid and unwavering in her commitment to her duties and responsibilities as
Queen of England. Equally, her daughter Princess Ann, is known as probably the
hardest working Royal after the Queen. There are others that have equally
inspired with their continued achievements, as well as their attitude to life.
The names of
a number of inspirational actresses come to mind, the first being Dame Judy
Dench who has entertained us for a generation or more with her many
unparalleled talents. She is closely followed by other heavy weights such as
Dame Julie Walters, Meryl Streep, Dame Maggie Smith, Dame Helen Mirren to name
only a few. These women, many of them in their eighties, continue to tread the
boards and pursue their artistic passions for our benefit.
Moving away
from the performing arts, we find women such as Baroness Betty Boothroyd, the
only woman to have served as Speaker. In education and Science, we have women
such as Germaine Greer and Professor Wendy Savage who have made a significant
contribution to the rights of women.
The list goes
on and on, I am delighted to say. So, if you encounter anyone with an erroneous
belief that women of midlife and beyond become invisible, make sure to remind
them of the outstanding achievements of so many women of mature years.
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